The Distance
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Oded, a young Israeli architect who lives in Chicago with his wife and children is is offered a job in Israel and comes for a week to see if the offer is serious. When he arrives at his parent's home he learns that they have just hired a Russian immigrant, Svetlana, as a live - in maide.
Oded is greatful and very pleased with Svetlana who cares for his parents, but when he hears that she has asked them to sign as guarantors for an apartment she wants to buy, he feels threatened and is torn between admiration of her and fear.



1994 The Volgin Award for best film at the Jerusalem International Film Festival.


The festival's international jury justly awarded the Volgin Prize to THE DISTANCE written and directed by Dan Wolman. From the first shot you sense a wise intelligence at work.

Stuart Schoffman - The Jerusalem Report
  • Screenplay: Dan Wolman
  • Producer: Dan Wolman
  • D.O.P: Itamar Hadar
  • Editor: Shoshi Wolman
  • Music: Slava Ganelin
  • Main cast:
    Chayim Hadaya, Ruth Farchie, Miriam Nevo, Jenia Cherniak, Isaac Shilo