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Soldier of The Night
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Set in the early eighties in Israel, "Soldier of the Night" is a horror film. It is the first Israeli horror film ever made.
A beautiful young woman (Iris) meets an attractive young man (Ze'ev) and spends the night with him. As their relationship develops we hear of a series of murders that take place in Israel, but strangely the police discover that all the victims are soldiers, soldiers in the Israeli Army.
The police have no clue as to who the murderer is. They first suspect that there's a political, nationalistic motif behind this murderous rampage.
But, as the story unfolds Iris realizes that Ze'ev goes out at night on special secret missions which he claims are part of his duty on some secret army unit. Only at the end Iris realizes that Ze'ev has been rejected from the army and is taking his revenge.



Montpeleir Film Festival, Sardinia and others.


At the heart of the film "Soldier of The Night" by Dan Wolman (1984), stands a serial murderer. It is truly a daring and a subversive film which harshly criticizes Israeli society for its fetishistic admiration of the militaristic uniform and the militaristic spirit. It's a story of a young man rejected by the army, and then, in an act of revenge, poses as a soldier and systematically kills Israeli soldiers.

Shmuel Duvdevani

  • Screenplay: Dan Wolman
  • Producer: Dan Wolman
  • D.O.P: Yossi Wein
  • Editor: Shoshi Wolman
  • Music: Alex Cagan
  • Main cast:
    Yehuda Efroni, Yftach Katzur, Iris Kraner, Hillel Ne'eman, Sari Raz, Ze'ev Shimshoni, Galina Swidansky, Tim Heaney